On the 10th February 2016 Lightcliffe Lodge celebrated W. Bro. Robert Andrews 60th Years in Freemasonry. It was a great evening and it was attended by the Provincial Grand Master, the Right Worshipful Brother David S. Pratt who presented W. Brother Andrew with two certificates, the first from the Province of Yorkshire West Riding, celebrating the 60 Years and secondly, a "Diamond Certificate" from the Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Freemasons of Scotland.
"Bob" as he's known to the Brethren, was initiated into the Lodge of Union and Crown on the 6th December, 1955 and has been a hard working Freemason since then. Congratulations Bob, from everyone at Lightcliffe Lodge.

Left - W.Bro. R. Barton (Worshipful Master), Centre - W.B. R. Andrew, Right - R.W.Bro. David S. Pratt.

Two certificates later.